so Friday I fasted all day... I popped a ton of oreganol and probiotics to get over my food poisoning...
I weighed in Saturday morning at 190.8 lbs at 28.0% BF. I was able to put on my black pants and there were pretty comfy, and get into the first of my new belt holes.
I zoomed off the the farmer's market at the Ferry Building in the city - I bought a ton of meat from Marin Sun Farms and Prather Ranch
I also ate a ton of food, no really
I had an Anabolic Pump, then:
Prather Ranch breakfast sandwich
Rose Pistola pork sandwich
ham/gruyere turnover
walnut brownie
milk chocolate and dark chocolate almond bar
butterscotch banana pie
1 scoop whey isolate/micellar casein
later in the day
anabolic pump
2 scoops WI/MC
3 tbs maple syrup
I watched UCLA lose, heartbreaking
and NC lost, so Memphis vs Kansas in the finals today
I had dinner with my friend Partha - for his 39th birthday
an anabolic pump
korean food (ohgane in oakland)
spicy pork, bacon pork, kal bi - rice and panchan
Cafe Esin
I ate so much I was so sick... never again, so much food!
next day I ate clean
I hit the gym after 9 Morph, key metrics
dumbell squats
35 lbs x 5 (2 sets)
37.5 lbs x 5 (3 sets)
7 dips
also hit back and bis and shrugs
post workout had 2 raw organic egg yolks and scoops of WI/MC + 1 tbs super plasma
dinner was 2 pork chops cooked in leaf lard, 2 sunny side up organic eggs, some shrimp curry and lamb curry (no rice)
perfect diet day