Wednesday, January 19, 2011

nice workouts and back to low calorie

woke up unexpectedly and decided to work out

1 scoop Jack3D
Chained Out + 10 Humapro

Neutral Grip Pullups

5, 5, 7 sets of 3 plus static hold

31 total in 28 minutes

gonna try and do more frequent bodyweight workouts of 30 minutes or less

alternating between chinups, dips, and perfect pushups - gonna try and remember to do jump rope on Sunday

post workout

Chained Out + 5 Humapro

breakfast: 1 organic egg yolk + supplements


Modern BCAAs


2 organic egg yolks

My Chain'd Reaction came in - so I did a second workout

1 scoop Chain'd Reaction Chained Out and 10 Humapro with 1 con-cret - pre

1 scoop Chain'd Reaction Chained Out and 5 Humapro - post
Close Grip Chinups

5, 3, 4, sets of 3: 30 total in 27 minutes
then some brachialis stuff

Calories = 500

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