Tuesday, January 25, 2011

let's go lift!

woke up feeling great Saturday morning

didn't drink that much, plus I had a lot of saturated fat to protect my liver (cheese)

took 2 con-cret, then a scoop of CR, CO and 10 Humapro

post workout the same - minus the CR (had plenty of carbs yesterday)

hit the gym at the Marina

Neutral Grip Pullups

10 sets of 3: 30 total


5 sets of 5: 25 total

3 need2slin with 5 Humapro before dinner

I was soooooooooooooooooooooo hungry! bought a ton of meat at Marin Sun Farms in Oakland

1 organic egg yolk - raw
1/2 lb Holding Ranch beef - raw
1 small goat chop - cooked rare
2 lamb crepinettes
1/2 bag organic spinach cooked with 1/4 lb pancetta

9 super cissus rx

Humapro = 30 total

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