Monday, November 22, 2010

Big Game Disaster but an ok weekend

I didn't feel like potatoes on Friday night so my food intake for the day was

2 raw egg yolks - breakfast

0.78 lb marin sun farms beef - raw
5 slices bacon
half a can of organic coconut milk with a scoop of casein

Next day I hit the gym

scoop of WTF, Chained Out, 10 Humapro

did chinups

+25 lbs: 3, 3
+20 lbs: 3, 3, 3
+15 lbs: 3, 3, 3, 3
+10 lbs: 3 + static hold
BW: 4 + static hold

34 total

then close neutral grip chinup
3, 3, 3, 3 = 12

big breakfast afterwards of potatoes, skirt steak, bacon, scoop of casein with half and half and lite coconut milk

went to the Big Game - we got killed! 48 to 14, in our own house

went to T-rex and had some food, 2 cocktails (no beer)

back in the city had a scoop of casein mixed with 2% milk and blueberries

yesterday, lost my tater urge

fasted all day and hit the gym, Modern BCAAs and 10 Humapro, pre and post

First time doing legs in many a moon

Leg Press
100 lbs x 8
110 lbs x 8
120 lbs x 8, 6

then bodyweight chinups

8 sets of 4

nice tasty dinner

2 organic egg yolk - raw
1 lb porterhouse, nicely spiced and cooked in lard and tallow
2 organic garlic cloves
organic horseradish and anchovy paste

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