Monday, December 10, 2007

Day 96 - credit card chest...

in my efforts to build a great physique, one must first go from a crappy one to a bad one, then decent, then above average, then good, and so on...

so I am bumping up my training frequency for certain muscle groups which accentuate my chest and shoulders...

I knocked out 51 Perfect Pushups... damn I was sore from the day before!

after fasting all day, I finally ate the Marin Sun Farms ground beef I bought the day before, 25% fat and soooooooooo delicious

I ate 1/3 lb raw
the next 2/3 lb I mixed with organic onion and seared
1 slice cheddar cheese
2 tbs barbecue sauce
organic mayo

max carb count = 17 grams

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