Monday, September 17, 2007

Day 15 - 197.6

So after two weeks, I am sitting at a little less than 5 lbs lost

not bad, not great... end of the month should peel off another 5 to 7 lbs...

will keep you posted... I am fasting all day... my dinner should be 100% raw tonight as I have no social engagements, thus no exuses to throw down pasta and ice cream *lol*

my dinner was:

4 tbs organic coconut oil
4 tbs raw butter
1/2 raw beef with organic turmeric and cumin

1 scoop whey isolate and micellar casein
1 tbs super plasma protein...

I am totally confused, my weight went up next morning, of course I broke my thing of no protein powder... after today's food and happy hour, I am going to switch to no protein powders, and I mean it...

1 comment:

Kavita said...

Well done Golooraam!